Thank you for your financial help and generosity.
Where time and every prayer declaration is essential!
"Yes, praying with an intent to be heard while anticipating
the manifestation of blessed results and outcomes for a diversity of people."
Again, thank you!

We would like to always celebrate, appreciate, and to bless our Pastors for the ministry assignment placed upon both of them. Together, they meet the need of the community weekly, counseling, mentoring, coaching as well as ministering the gospel holistically. Together, they are Pastors on the move fulfilling God's purpose for the love of humanity regardless of their present condition, situation or circumstance. Please continue to pray for them as they move to the next level of ministry in 2023. And, thank you for your kind and loving monetary contribution.
A Time to Give
Giving Yields Serving Results
Every $1 Dollar Counts
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Our Address
Family Life Outreach Center Church 1313 21st Street Zion, Illinois 60099
A familyArtisty™ Initiative • Dedicated to the move of God.
(888) 827-3767 |